In 2015, Boiler Room partnered with Amsterdam based G-Star Jeans for a series of shows featuring upcoming musical talent from around Europe. Dubbed the "Raw Sessions", I created a suitably rough around the edges art direction for the partnership.
▼ Below is the logo lock up I designed for the series. The shows were all about the uniqueness of the acts playing so I created a totally unique typeface by printing off Raw Sessions in a thick serif font and then distorted it using a photocopier, moving the paper as the words were scanned.
▼ I treated the photography and artist line ups on the flyers in the same way as the logo - printing them out, photocopying and then rescanning them to get the desired distortion and raw aesthetic.
▼ I designed a microsite on Boiler Room's main site to host the content from the series. All titles and image assets were treated with the same print-then-photocopy style as the logo and flyer.